NFL DFS DraftKings Cash Picks: Week 16 (Fantasy Football)

NFL DFS cash games are all about building a high-floor lineup that can win in head-to-heads,…

NFL DFS 3-Game Saturday Slate Picks (Fantasy Football)

On Friday, Betz and I went live at the Fantasy Footballers studio sharing our insights for…

Borg’s NFL DFS Cash Lineup Review for Week 10 (Fantasy Football)

How did your week go? It’s astounding to me that every week people can be participating/watching/obsessing…

NFL DFS DraftKings Cash Picks: Week 10 (Fantasy Football)

NFL DFS cash games are all about building a high-floor lineup that can win in head-to-heads,…

NFL DFS DraftKings Cash Picks: Week 6 (Fantasy Football)

NFL DFS cash games are all about building a high-floor lineup that can win in head-to-heads,…

DraftKings Showdown for Super Bowl Sunday

Welcome in to the last DFS article of the 2020-2021 season – the DraftKings Showdown slate…