Stop Whatever You’re Doing and Come Bet on Some Aliens!

I don’t know about you, but I think it’s high time to shake things up and insert a little chaos and uncertainty into the world. We need a collective obsession, something we can all fret over together. Thankfully, all signs point to aliens providing the catalyst we so desperately need.

Have you heard the news?

The Pentagon has confirmed the authenticity of several recordings documenting encounters with UFOs. Several videos taken from the cockpits of Navy fighter jets show the mysterious craft displaying seemingly impossible maneuvering capabilities at extremely high speeds.

Even mainstream news sources like CNN are covering the encounters.

Last month, the Pentagon confirmed the authenticity of photos and video taken by Navy personnel in 2019 that appeared to show triangle-shaped objects blinking and moving through the clouds.

Another set of photos from Navy personnel showed three objects apparently flying in the sky, shaped like a sphere, an acorn and a metallic blimp.

In April 2020, the Pentagon released three short videos from infrared cameras that appeared to show flying objects moving quickly. Two of the videos contain service members reacting in awe at how quickly the objects are moving. One voice speculates that it could be a drone.

We’re still far from receiving absolute proof of the existence of aliens, but the US government is saying more on this topic than they ever have before.

Real or not, all this alien talk has mind imagination running wild! And I’m not the only one.

The oddsmakers at MyBookie must be on a similar wavelength because they’re feeding the obsession with a handful of entertaining prop bets about UFOs and future disclosures.

The three wagers covered on this page deal with a litany of classic topics, including Big Foot, the existence of aliens, and technologically advanced UFOs that could be the work of either extraterrestrial species or foreign rivals right here at home! Better still, once you open pandora’s box to start handicapping the various possibilities, doors open to all sorts of wackiness and crackpottery! (You’ll see.)

Before we get to the betting lines, however, I’m trying to picture what a world where the existence of aliens is a confirmed fact looks like.

(Skip to the next section if you prefer to go straight to the odds rather than dream with me.)

Can you imagine President Joe Biden representing the human race in establishing diplomatic relations with an alien race?

The poor guy doesn’t know where he is half the time, and we’re relying on his Swiss cheese brain to comprehend the situation and remain composed in the presence of a species he’ll undoubtedly interpret as monsters?!?

He’s going to get us all vaporized or exiled from the galactic community.

Cut to the dramatic landing scene from every alien movie, where the extraterrestrial greeting party emerges from their craft to meet Earth’s leaders, only to find a confused and angry geriatric convinced he’s in an old Alfred Hitchcock movie – wide-eyed and shuffling aggressively, hurling obscure old-timey threats at our visitors and issuing push-up challenges.

“Come ‘er you dog-faced Swamp Things… I’ll wrap this chain around your big green noggin like that bastard Corn Pop! Growing up in Delaware, we used to force the cabbage-headed kids to stand under the bridge while we bounced pennies off their skulls from above! I’ve seen your kind.”

Then there’s the issue of Joe’s racist legislative history.

  • You’d be hard-pressed to find a US politician responsible for wreaking as much havoc in minority communities as the current President and the policies he supported during his decades in Congress.
  • Now, just as Democratic leaders rehabilitated his image and modernized Biden’s opinions of Black and Brown Americans, he’s being asked to accept an entirely new non-white pigment? Good luck with that.
  • It took nearly 80 years to get him up to speed with the shades that existed on Earth for millennia.

Threats of violence, calls for push-up contests, racism, and general dementia-fueled belligerence might not even be the worst-case scenario.

What if he gets all grabby and sniffs their heads and touches them inappropriately? – as he’s wont to do. Imagine the message that conveys to an advanced species!

“Yes, Blee-Blop X98; regrettably, the man caressing your shoulders and gumming away at your ear appendage is indeed the leader of Earth’s most powerful nation, including its largest nuclear arsenal.”

Boy, will they be impressed by our decision-making skills and ability to organize societies. (And wait till they learn about the last guy! If we weren’t already doomed, our collective fates are surely sealed once our intergalactic overlords realize that President Biden’s not even a fluke.)

Although considering all those possibilities, I must admit, seeing a demented Joe Biden provoke and molest bewildered space aliens might be worth the planet being deemed unworthy for galactic diplomacy, condemned, and annihilated.

It might be the most representative and fitting end humanity could ever want if you think about it.

Back to Reality

In the unlikely event that the circumstances described above don’t happen, we’re fortunate to have entertaining betting lines and intriguing – albeit not “Joe Biden inappropriately rubbing an alien” intriguing – possibilities to ponder.

  • Have government officials already met with alien races and agreed to hide the news from the masses?
  • Have any alien spacecraft crashed on Earth?
  • Who, if anyone, discovered and secured the wreckage?
  • What technologies were gleaned from any such findings?
  • Do aliens even exist?
  • If not, have covert military branches developed flight technologies far beyond what’s commonly believed possible? For example, anti-gravitational propulsion systems.
  • Could another country besides the US be responsible for the UFOs featured in the declassified footage?

For the first time in human history, it feels like we’re close to receiving answers to one or more of those questions.

Will you be lucky enough to not only witness proof of alien existence but profit off any such announcement?

Below, we’ll take a closer look at MyBookie’s alien/UFO related odds. We’ll also examine some surprisingly compelling options with higher betting value than what’s typically provided by novelty props.

Alien vs Big Foot – Which will be Captured and Publicly Displayed First?

Captured First

  • Matchup Odds
  • Alien-900
  • Big Foot+450
Before we get started, I should make something crystal clear:

When it comes to the realms of conspiracy theories, aliens, cryptids, and outlandish tales, it’s nearly impossible to find someone who’s dedicated (wasted) as much time on this nonsense as me. When it comes to entertaining unconventional, far-fetched, and occasionally occult ideas, I can’t get enough.

So, believe me when I say I have more thoughts and theories to share about Big Foot and aliens than will fit on this page.

Since I doubt anyone is looking for a 15,000-word stream-of-consciousness dissertation on interdimensional entities (aliens), the Ra Law of One channeled texts, alien abductions, and ancient races of giants rumored to be the Bible’s Nephilim (related to sasquatch/Big Foot sightings), I’ll resist my urge to go too deep.

As for wagering — for some reason, MyBookie’s oddsmakers are extremely confident an alien will be captured and shown to the public versus a Big Foot. -900 seems borderline irresponsible considering the subject matter.

What does MyBookie know?!?!

I suspect the lopsided betting odds are attributable to the Pentagon acknowledging the existence of UFOs. If hyper-advanced crafts are whizzing around the planet, that’s decent evidence favoring the existence of aliens.

Whether alien species or humans manned the UFOs recorded by Navy pilots is almost irrelevant. For scientists on Earth to have developed the technology required for the maneuvering ability and speed capabilities demonstrated in the UFO footage, they would have needed an alien craft to study and reverse engineer.

This brings to mind incidents like the Roswell crash and Bob Lazar’s story.

Lazar alleges to have been hired to work at a secret military base called “S-4” near Area 51 in Nevada. Along with a litany of other scientists, he was tasked with reverse-engineering one of nine recovered extraterrestrial craft.

He claims that the flying saucers were powered by an anti-matter reactor fueled by a stable isotope of E115. Human scientists didn’t successfully synthesize this chemical element until many years after Lazar’s public testimony.

This is relevant because the propulsion system described by Bob Lazar is precisely the type of system necessary to move like the UFOs we’ve seen on film.

  • The craft “allegedly generates a gravity wave that allowed the vehicle to fly and to evade visual detection by bending light around it,” using “gravity amplifiers” capable of generating a “gravity beam or anti-gravity wave” to create distortion fields through which the craft travels unimpeded by gravitational forces.
  • Change directions at the speed of the UFOs in the Pentagon footage would be impossible; otherwise, the g-forces would tear the ship and pilot apart. By enveloping the craft in a distortion field, an object could travel at extremely high speeds and change directions on a dime without feeling it.

So, we have UFO footage confirmed to be authentic by the US military that closely resembles what Bob Lazar described in 1989 – which I’d say lends credence to his allegations. And if Lazar’s story is true and the US government owns multiple extraterrestrial craft, they must have obtained the “flying saucers” somehow.

Maybe the aliens gifted the advanced technology to the government?

That seems less likely than the materials coming from crash sites.

UFO Crashes

There have been numerous instances of UFOs being observed plummeting to their demise by sizable groups of witnesses before military personnel predictably arrives to cover up the evidence.

  • The Roswell Incident is probably the most famous example.
  • Six years before Roswell, in 1941, another UFO crashed in Cape Girardeau, Missouri.
  • A similar occurrence took place in 1974 over the Berwyn Mountains in Wales.
  • In 1989, South African fighter jets were scrambled off the coast of Cape Town in response to an “unidentified object on their radar that was moving very rapidly towards the mainland at an approximate speed of 5746 nautical miles per hour.” The two fighter pilots allegedly fired upon the craft with “experimental aircraft mounted THOR 2 laser canons,” resulting in the object crashing into the central Kalahari desert.
  • Another UFO supposedly hovered over the Chilean village of Paihuano before splitting into two and crashing to the ground in full view of locals.
  • In 2020, thousands of witnesses claimed to have seen a UFO crashing into a forest in Magé, Brazil – just north of Rio de Janeiro. As usual, a cover-up ensued.
  • Along with countless other similar stories from around the world.
How is it possible that such advanced beings are such shoddy pilots?

Assuming these crafts utilize flight systems capable of distorting gravity to allow for light-speed travel and the kinds of directional changes present in the Navy footage, how is it possible that they randomly go careening into the ground?

The only way it makes a lick of sense is if it’s their way of delivering technological advances to humans with direct diplomatic relations. Otherwise, the aliens we finally meet might be idiots who just got lucky with their spaceflight capabilities. I guess they could be a super depressed race of aliens who can’t resist the urge to kamikaze their UFOs into the landscape – that’d be cool.

Back to the issue at hand…

Judging by the frequency of crashes, the most probable hypothesis is that any extraterrestrial technology we’ve obtained and studied was collected from UFO wreckage.

What does that mean?

It means that in addition to the ships, government agencies also have alien corpses in their possessions.

Connecting the dots…

  • I reckon the US government has multiple advanced vehicles powered by anti-matter reactors and technologies reverse-engineered or salvaged from extraterrestrial “flying saucers.”
  • The UFOs featured in the Pentagon footage are probably top-secret test craft and not piloted by aliens – which explains why the bulk of the sightings occur near military installations.
  • If the US government is in possession of extraterrestrial materials recovered from crashed UFOs, they also have any alien corpses discovered in the wreckage.
  • With the inevitable implosion of the world economy on the horizon and an urgent push for a “Great Reset” for global finance, those in power may use alien disclosures as a distraction tool. They’ll use leaks to keep everyone distracted from societal collapse, reframe people’s perceptions of fellow Earthlings, and provide a mysterious threat from beyond that necessitates cooperation – a greater sense of camaraderie will derive from planetary “outsiders” being part of the equation.

In recent years, the US government has gradually declassified materials and recognized the possibility that extraterrestrials exist. I believe this trend will continue, culminating in several alien bodies — preserved after being extracted from various UFO crash sites — being unveiled.

1st Creator Revealed?
Fade Big Foot

As for Big Foot, the trends aren’t looking too good for the giant hairball.

That we have more evidence of otherworldly craft than massive mammals living throughout the United States doesn’t inspire much confidence in the existence of sasquatch. I’m not entirely ready to write off the giant Nephilim theory, but I don’t see that revelation preempting the government-led UFO/alien disclosures.

Will the UFOs be Attributed to a Foreign Nation?

UFO from Foreign Nation?

  • Matchup Odds
  • Yes-160
  • No+120

I’ve written extensively about my UFO theories in the previous section, so we’ll keep this short and sweet. I am shocked – and from a betting perspective, thrilled — that “Yes” is favored here.

While it appears that UFOs crash all over the globe — and with comical frequency — I highly doubt any foreign nations have developed advanced technologies beyond what the US possesses.

Look at how the United States behaves on the world stage.

  • Our foreign policy is built around having the biggest, most expensive military and using every ounce of leverage it provides to bend countries to our will.
  • US officials wouldn’t be so arrogant or act with such impunity if they felt at all threatened by superior aircraft.
It’s impossible to overstate what a monumental game-changer anti-matter propulsion would be.

The ability to travel at the speed of light and traverse Outerspace would instantly put the nation in control of such technology at the top of the global hierarchy. Not to mention the infinite number of applications the ability to distort gravity fields would offer apart from aircraft.

If there were genuine concern that the UFOs from the Pentagon footage might belong to a foreign rival, the US government would either react so outrageously aggressively on the world stage their terror would be apparent, or they’d swiftly change their tune, buddy up to everyone, and stop behaving like a hypocritical bully to avoid retribution.

While we’re still wreaking havoc around the world and simultaneously lecturing foreign diplomats for crimes we commit with bold enthusiasm, I’m confident that, at the very least, the US military can match or exceed any technological advances that matter.

The likeliest scenario is that the United States is the sole owner of functional extraterrestrial craft.

Still, they’ll never disclose the truth because the top priority is preventing the tech from being stolen or duplicated. Possessing and benefitting from such potent technologies aren’t worth the risks of having them weaponized against us.

I’m an emphatic “No” on this bet at +120.
UFO from Foreign Nation?

Will A UFO Be Captured Before 2023?

UFO Captured Before 2023?

  • Matchup Odds
  • Yes+200
  • No-300

Another opportunity to take the better payout! Without repeating all the details, if aliens and UFOs of exotic origins exist, they’ve been in the US government’s possession for decades.

The wager is really about whether officials will admit it before 2023.

I’m willing to take a chance on those revelations coming in the next two years.

  • We’re already at the stage where the Pentagon is confirming UFO footage and former Presidents are speaking openly about the possibility of aliens.
  • Taking the upcoming economic recession into account, I predict the power players will need to impress the people by disclosing something mind-blowing like an extraterrestrial craft to keep the masses pacified.

However, I have one concern about betting “Yes,” and it’s — embarrassingly enough – related to an old conspiracy theory called Project Blue Beam.

Some people believe that global elites will use advanced technologies to simulate an alien invasion, terrifying the populous into uniting under a new world order.

  • As outlandish as it sounds if anti-matter propulsion exists – whether it’s of alien origin or not – the plan kind of makes sense.
  • If a one-world government is the ultimate goal, providing an enemy for the whole of humanity is the best way to make it happen.
  • It can’t be done by force. There are too many people and cultures spread throughout the world; they must be convinced to unite voluntarily.
  • Nothing would better achieve those goals than a technologically superior threat from beyond the stars that could appear at any moment.

Still, I’m not sure I believe the global elite are going in the Project Blue Beam direction. I anticipate the establishment’s need for more disclosures and distractions to outpace the length of time needed to execute a staged alien invasion.

Hell, maybe they’ll do both.

Even so, I predict the “captured UFO” — they’ve been sitting on since the 1940s – will come first. Maybe they’ll admit to having the craft but claim it’s non-functional or that they haven’t solved how to operate it yet. That way, you generate the desired attention without the common folk’s pesky expectations for such technologies.

Whatever the case, I’m going with the larger payout here. The entire scenario is so bizarre it’s impossible to predict either outcome over the other with any degree of confidence. So, if it’s more or less a coin flip, we might as well take the +200.
UFO Captured Before 2023?

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