9 Important Facts About Advantage Gambling

9 Important Facts About Advantage Gambling

For a vast number of casino gamblers discovering a way to tilt the edge in their favor is a pipe dream. They walk through the doors of the casino, poker room, racetrack, or sportsbook and part ways with their money.

Occasionally, the math works out in their favor, and they scurry home with winnings. These winnings are returned to the casino’s bank on their next visit. However, there is a class of gamblers that have cracked the code on winning in the casino. Advantage gamblers flip the house edge and enjoy the unusual position of achieving long-term profits gambling.

Understanding these 9 important facts about advantage gambling will begin to help you decode the riddle of becoming a winner.

1. The House Advantage Dictates Every Move

Every game in the casino has an edge. Typically this edge falls in the casino’s favor, and they rake in the profits hand over fist.

The first step of an advantage gambler is accepting this and looking for ways to get an edge for yourself.

There are several fine ways this can be accomplished, but not every game can be beaten. So, suppose you’re in the market to become an advantage gambler. In that case, you’ll need to be willing to abandon certain games entirely.

For starters, take the words “slot” and “machine” out of your vocabulary.

Please Note:
Slot machines operate based on a random number generator, and nothing you do will take away the built-in edge.

Sots aren’t the only game you’ll need to leave in the rearview. Roulette, baccarat, craps, and the popular poker derivatives all have an insurmountable advantage.

2. Discipline is Paramount

As in many other areas of life, there’s no substitute for hard work when it comes to advantage gambling.

  • Many gamblers are entirely at peace with merely showing up to the casino
  • Placing their bets.
  • Then leaving their money behind when they leave.

There’s nothing wrong with this approach if that’s how you choose to spend your entertainment budget. Advantage gamblers aren’t satisfied with anything less than a profit.

Keep in Mind:
That requires a tremendous amount of discipline. Advantage gamblers spend months and years honing their craft.

Not only will you need the discipline to suffer through the learning curve for real money, but you’ll also need the discipline to continue improving once you start winning.

I’ve seen a lot of potentially great advantage gamblers grow complacent after a short winning stretch and lose it all.

Then as the losses pile up, they lose confidence. Eventually, these players abandon their quest for casino gold and go back to their day jobs.

To become a successful advantage gambler, you must possess an internal discipline that can’t be diminished.

3. Sports Betting Holds a Wealth of Opportunity

Sports betting is one of the leading most lucrative and exciting gambling activities on the planet.

You will need a system for not only making the best picks but also finding the best value.

It shocks some sports bettors when they learn how much finding friendly lines can affect their bottom dollar.

The greats of sports betting have built vast empires. Many have been so fortunate to own the teams they spent decades cheering for before they made their fortune.

Tony Bloom is a prime example of the types of wealth that may be attained by competent sports bettors.

Well, I’d classify Bloom as elite, but astute sports bettors can generate a healthy profit.

If you are a sports fan looking to start earning instead of donating, take a serious look into the benefits of sports betting.

4. The House Edge Can be Shifted

A majority of gamblers fail to pay attention to the house edge. They play the games assuming (correctly) that the games can’t really be swayed.

Sometimes they get lucky and win; other times the casino keeps the chips.

The problem is that they never stop to ask, “Why?”

When you make an effort to understand the house edge, you begin to uncover flaws in the game. These flaws may be exploited.

When you begin looking for these opportunities, you’re starting to think like an advantage gambler. The fact is sometimes the casino can be beaten at its own game.

The house edge can be shifted, and when it is, you become a winner.

5. Blackjack isn’t the Most Popular Game

Card counters are probably the most celebrated among advantage gamblers. They are portrayed in Hollywood and written about in books.

There’s no disputing that card counters are a large section of advantage gamblers.

However, blackjack is far from the most popular game with card counters.

Card counting takes an immense level of mathematical prowess that scares many advantage gamblers away. However, it’s much simpler than you might think.

Card counters are faced with another battle in the casino, flying under the intense scrutiny of the casino staff.

Despite what you may think, card counting is completely legal. Unfortunately, the casinos would prefer it were illegal.

They reserve the right to refuse service to anyone.
If you’re suspected of card counting in a casino, you’ll be escorted to the nearest exit. Your chips will almost certainly be left on the table; chalk it up to a bad experience. Your bad luck won’t end there. Next, your picture will be distributed to all nearby casinos. This will make it difficult to get a seat anywhere in town.

Sure, there are significant profits to be made in real money blackjack, but the pitfalls scare many players towards other avenues.

6. All or Nothing Approach

In order to become successful as an advantage gambler, you need to adopt a full-throttle approach.

Please Note:
If you merely wade into the waters waist deep, you’re destined to fail. Every decision you make regarding gambling must come from an angle of making a profit by exploiting an advantage.

Otherwise, you’re simply doing what 99.9% of the gambling public does every day. Trying to make a dollar out of a dime with inadequate tools.

However, if you dedicate 100% of your focus to finding advantage and striking, you’ll be a part of a rare club.

You’ll be an advantage gambler, and you’ll be making money.

This type of all-or-nothing approach is rarely advisable when it comes to casino gambling, but this is the cornerstone of becoming an effective advantage gambler.

7. Finding the Advantages is Key

Knowing that you can gain an advantage in blackjack or playing poker isn’t enough to make you successful. You need to learn to spot the correct tables and games to play.

For sports bettors, this means hours of statistical research and finding the absolute best line.

For instance:
A card counter would be about as effective in an online blackjack game as flipping a coin betting on sports. The implementation of RNGs by the online casinos guard against keeping an accurate count.

However, a somewhat effective card counter could make a decent salary if they found a series of weak dealers that regularly showed their hole card. I know poker players that make a decent salary poaching fish in the vast Las Vegas poker rooms.

Advantage gambling isn’t easy, but if you are good at spotting the best times to play, you will be profitable.

8. Putting it on the Ponies Pays

Horse racing often gets overlooked when the conversation turns to advantage gambling. The fact is that if you’re some sort of horse whisperer, you can make a killing at the track.

I’ve met a few of the old-school horse racing legends; I consider them legends. They all have this innate ability to pick the horses in a manner which most of us can only dream of, but much like sports betting, winning a clip over 50% makes you profitable.

I wasn’t given the gift; it seems to be something you’re born with. So, if you have the eye for it, betting on the ponies may be right up your alley.

9. Poker is a Staple for Many Advantage Players

Most advantage gamblers focus on poker when it comes to casino games.

  • You can find action 24/7.
  • You control your destiny.
  • And you can make a living.

Advantage gamblers love poker because all you really need to do is find players that are worse at poker. Sure, the casino takes a slight rake on winning pots, but it’s well worth the convenience charge.

There’s a saying in the poker world that follows the lines of:

“If you can’t spot the fish in the first fifteen minutes, you’re the fish.”

That’s because regardless of how good your poker skills are, there’s usually somebody better. So, in many casinos, the sharks will stay out of each other’s way.

There’s plenty of tourist money floating around the tables for everyone. Learn to spot the fish, brush up on your poker chops, and you’ll be on your way to becoming an advantage gambler.


Basic knowledge of advantage gambling isn’t enough to start making money. You’ll have to take action before you start seeing a positive return.

These 9 important facts about advantage gambling won’t guarantee a profit on your next gambling session.

However, by learning everything you can about your chosen game, you’ll be in an excellent position to start your new career as an advantage gambler.


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